NHET Surgery

NHET Surgery

NHET is a specialized surgical technique offered by shubham skin clinic at Pune Sinhagad road for the removal of even big cyst and lypoma through very narrow hole left behind very minimal spot on surgical site. It gives very good cosmetic results.

It is a technique in which smaller or bigger cyst or lypoma is removed with very small incision. First area where surgery is to be done is cleaned with antiseptic solution then local anesthesia is given. Then very small cut is made either with blade or 2-3 mm sized cylindrical biopsy punch. Whole contents of cyst or lypoma are extruded from this narrow hole by applying lateral pressure or traction. Then this small opening is sutured with cosmetic stitch material or wound is left allowed to heal with secondary intention.This surgery will leave very small mark at surgical site which gives best cosmetic result.

It is mostly done in lypoma, sebaceous cyst, mole, other skin growth etc.

​Yes it is totally safe & economical without any side effects. Minimal pain after procedure is there which is manageable.

NHET surgery usually takes 30 minutes but time duration may vary as per the number of lesions.

• A very small incision is required to remove even a big lesion so very minimal mark remains at site which gives good cosmetic appearance.
• Only 1 or 2 stitches are required.
• It is day care procedure & not required hospital stay.
• Patient can perform his work from next day only.

• Avoid water contact for at least 3 days.
• Regular dressing.
• Follow medicines as prescribed by doctor.