

Psoriasis is chronic (long term) skin problem that causes skin cells to grow too quickly resulting in thick, white silvery or red patches at anywhere on body. Normally skin cells grow gradually & flake off about every 4 weeks. New skin cells grow to replace outer layers of skin as they shed. But in psoriasis new skin cells move rapidly to the surface of skin in days rather than in weeks. They build up & form thick patches called plaques. Psoriasis is never life threatening disease.​
Actually psoriasis is not contagious. It doesn’t spread by touch from person to person & also it doesn’t affect your routine work. Infact psoriasis is self limiting disease & takes long time to cure but not always, so many times patients are misguided but it can be controlled 100 % with proper treatments.

Actually cause of psoriasis is not fully understood. But experts believe that it is autoimmune disease which occurs when immune system overreacts causing inflammation & flaking of skin.But exact cause is unknown. In some cases psoriasis runs in family. Genetic may be a cause Smoking, alcohol, stress, self medications, some drugs etc are the supporting factors to increase psoriasis. But these are not direct causes.

• Psoriatic lesions may appear anywhere on body including scalp.
• Itching, burning & soreness are major symptoms.
• Red colored or silvery white colored patches appeared anywhere on body.
• Sometimes joint pain.

• Avoid stress & self medication.
• Avoid itching & scratching because it may increase your psoriasis.
• There is no diet restriction. Because there is no evidence which claim that any particular diet can create or increase psoriasis. Normally good vegetables& fruits can be considered.
• There are so many skin problems which exactly look like psoriasis so always take expert opinion for correct diagnosis & treatment.